Publication Details |
pubnumber: |
1870 |
pubyear: |
2010 |
researchfield: |
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems |
proposalnumber1: |
8402 |
proposalnumber2: |
9402 |
proposalnumber3: |
8578 |
spectrometer1: |
spectrometer2: |
C1-1:HER |
spectrometer3: |
proposaltitleJP: |
proposaltitleEN: |
principalinvestigatorJP: |
principalinvestigatorEN: |
pubtype: |
proceedings |
pubtitle: |
Rh-substitution effect on 4f-electron states in multipole ordered phase of PrRu4P12 |
author1: |
Saito K. |
author2: |
Laulhe C. |
author3: |
Iwasa K. |
author4: |
Murakami Y. |
author5: |
author6: |
author7: |
author8: |
author9: |
restofauthors: |
srctitle: |
Rh-substitution effect on 4f-electron states in multipole ordered phase of PrRu4P12 |
editor: |
publisher: |
IOP science |
place: |
England |
vol: |
200 |
spage: |
12170 |
epage: |
12170 |
articlenumber: |
language: |
English |
submitflag: |
1 |
lastmodified: |
2010/06/17 12:40:40 |
inpressflag: |
note: |
lastmodifiedbyeditor: |
citationcount: |
0 |
citationcheckdate: |
2011/02/11 22:25:12 |
showdetailscount: |
738 |
searchhitcount: |
5239 |