Publication Details
disnumber: 192
disyear: 2010
researchfield: Magnetism
proposalnumber1: 7555
proposalnumber2: 9680
proposalnumber3: 9841
spectrometer1: 5G:PONTA
spectrometer2: T1-1:HQR
spectrometer3: C1-1:HER
thesistitleJP: 希土類化合物ErNi2Ge2の磁気異方性と異常メタ磁性
thesistitleEN: Magnetic anisotropy and an anomalous metamagnetism in a rare-earth compound ErNi2Ge2
authorEN: Okue M.
authorJP: 奧江政晃
affiliationEN: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
affiliationJP: 京都大学大学院工学研究科材料工学専攻
field: Engineering
universityname: Kyoto University
abstract: ErNi2Ge2 is s rare-earth intermetallic compound with the tetragonal ThCr2Si2-type crystal structure and exhibits anomalous successive metamagnetic behavior along the magnetic hard c-axis in spite of an easy-plane type antiferromagnet. The aim of this thesis is to clarify this anomalous metamagentic behavior in ErNi2Ge2 by means of magnetization and polarized and unpolarized neutron diffractions. Polarize neutron diffraction experiment clearly indicates the antiferromagnetic ordered moment lies in magnetic easy c-plane and the component along the c-axis is negligible. Hence, the possibility of the spin flop of the c-component of the ordered moment is excluded as the origin of the metamagnetic behavior. High field magnetization processes of diluted compounds ErxY1-xNi2Ge2 also exhibit similar successive metamagnetic behavior as in pure ErNi2Ge2, and hence, we concluded that the metamagnetism originates from the single-site effect. The most possible origin is a crystalline electric field (CEF) effect. We analyzed the inelastic neutron scattering spectrum and concluded that two sets of CEF parameters are required to explain the successive metamagnetic behavior. It suggests two nonequivalent crystallographic site of Er and the possibility of a charge density wave in ErNi2Ge2.
keywords: magnetic anisotropy, metamagnetism, crystalline electric field
language: Japanese
submitflag: 1
lastmodified: 2010/03/16 17:49:55
degree: Master
dismonth: 3
showdetailscount: 400
searchhitcount: 5391