Publication Details
disnumber: 98
disyear: 2008
researchfield: Structures and Excitations
proposalnumber1: 7401
proposalnumber2: 7543
proposalnumber3: 8539
spectrometer1: 5G:PONTA
spectrometer2: C1-1:HER
thesistitleJP: 非鉛系リラクサー誘電体(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3における散漫散乱と格子ダイナミクス
thesistitleEN: The diffuse scattering and lattice dynamics in lead-free relaxor ferroelectrics (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3
authorEN: Iida H.
authorJP: 飯田 裕之
affiliationEN: University of Tokyo
affiliationJP: 東京大学
field: Science
universityname: University of Tokyo
abstract: Relaxor ferroelectrics have attracted considerable attention since the discovery of giant piezoelectricity in relaxor-based single crystals. (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 (NBT) forms perovskite structure with two different ions Na+ and Bi3+ at the A site of ABO3. Recently, NBT regains attention as promising applications to piezoelectric devices containing no toxic lead. NBT exhibits extremely high and broad peak in the dielectric susceptibility which is very similar to that in typical relaxors. We have studied the diffuse scattering and clarified that the diffuse scattering appears below 700 K and has more intensity along transverse direction than that along longitudinal direction, suggesting a close connection between the diffuse scattering and soft transverse optical mode. In addition, we found the transverse optical mode near Gamma-point is heavily overdamped with appearance of the diffuse scattering. This phonon anomaly is very similar to the so-called "waterfall" phenomenum observed in lead-based relaxor ferroelectrics. This is the first report that the waterfall feature exists in lead-free relaxors and strongly indicates an important role of the waterfall feature in relaxors.
keywords: relaxor, diffuse scattering, waterfall, PNR
language: English
submitflag: 1
lastmodified: 2009/12/27 23:32:54
degree: Master
showdetailscount: 454
searchhitcount: 5386